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Your Legacy Can Save Rivers

The River Birch Circle honors those who are leaving a legacy to Mass Rivers Alliance to improve climate change resilience and strengthen statewide policies to protect our rivers.

Why River Birch?

River Birch trees guard against erosion, ensuring a lasting impact on the rivers they abut. Pollinator powerhouses, they attract a diverse array of birds. Their bark and leaves are used for medicinal purposes and their durable wood has long been used to craft canoes, fostering connections between people and water. They are helping us imagine a better future. River Birch is being used in natural restoration projects because it grows quickly, withstands flooding, and offers a refuge from urban heat by providing cooling shade while enduring high temperatures. Choose the River Birch Circle—a symbol of strength, beauty, and sustainability—to secure a lasting legacy for our water future.

Your bequest will have an enduring impact and provide future funding to ensure rivers remain clean and flowing, and that fisheries and aquatic habitat are protected in a changing climate.

If you already have a will, sample language that can be given to your attorney to add is outlined here. If you have not yet prepared a will, your attorney can incorporate bequest language as a part of the drafting process. If your circumstances change, your lawyer can edit your will upon your request. Tax laws can evolve and you should consult a financial planner or professional throughout the bequest process. 

Benefits of Joining

Knowledge that your support makes a profound difference to the future of rivers in Massachusetts, and the communities through which they flow.

• Special recognition in our Annual Report

• Special updates from Mass Rivers’ Executive Director. 

Interested in Making a Planned Gift?

Connect with us.

Julia Blatt

Executive Director

If you have already included Mass Rivers Alliance in your estate plans, please let us know by contacting us. We would be delighted to welcome you into the River Birch Circle!

Meet the River Birch Circle Founding Members

Chris Doyle and David Brams

Christine Doyle and David Brams

We are have a long term commitment to the mission and the success of Mass Rivers. Mass Rivers leverages its deep knowledge of water policy to effect real change in Massachusetts for our rivers and our climate. We wanted to demonstrate our commitment with a legacy gift as Mass Rivers seeks to build a firm base for its work into the future. 

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Nancy Hammett

Both our rivers and Mass Rivers are near and dear to my heart. It has been a joy to watch this small organization grow to become a leader in river protection and restoration in Massachusetts. Making a legacy gift is the single best way I can continue to support this valuable work not just for myself but for my children and grandchildren.

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Andrea Franz

I can't think of a better gift to leave to future generations of people and wildlife than clean, flowing water.  So by leaving a legacy gift to Mass Rivers, I can ensure our state continues to have an effective champion for clean water and healthy rivers to do exactly that.

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