Towns in the Concord River Watershed:
Major Tributaries:
River Meadow Brook
Mill Brook (Concord)
Millbrook (Billerica)
Marginal Brook
Organizations working in the Concord River Watershed:
The Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River Stewardship Council

Certain sections of this river are swimmable! The Wild & Scenic sections of the Sudbury and Concord rivers do meet swimming standards based on monitored bacteria levels, while other sections do not. To see more specific and updated water quality reports that can help determine swimming safety, click here.

Walking, Hiking, Biking
Walking, hiking and biking locations:
Vietnam Veterans Park, Treble Cove Road (Billerica)
Ralph Hill Conservation Area Treble Cove Road (Billerica). Enter through Vietnam Veterans Park. Trails include beaver ponds and vernal ponds, with many forms of aquatic life.
Minute Man National Park (Concord). Wide open trails provide for exploration through a historical area. More info here.
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (Concord). Near two ponds next to the Concord River. Stroller and wheelchair accessible. There are additional trails through the woods, one of which brings you to the Concord River.
The Old Manse (Concord) is a historic home with connections to Hawthorne and Emerson. It is located at 269 Monument St. with ample parking. Directions here. There are stroller/handicapped accessible trails, space for picnicking, bird watching, as well as canoeing and kayaking.

You can boat in several places on the Concord River. The Wild and Scenic Section of the Concord River spans from Egg Rock, Concord → Rt 3 Bridge, Billerica (~10 miles). See OARS Recreation Maps >> (Hard copies available by request)
Additional Guides:
The AMC River Guide, available on the AMC website.
The AMC Quiet Water Canoe Guide includes the Assabet Reservoir in Westborough. Find it on AMC's Website or local bookstores.
The Concord, Sudbury, and Assabet Rivers: A guide to canoeing, wildlife and history. By Ron McAdow. Purchase it here >>
Paddling locations:
Bartlett's Landing (Billerica). Owned by the Sudbury Valley Trustees, there are no public trails, but there is a small area to launch a canoe/kayak.
Bedford Boat Ramp (Bedford), Carlisle Rd (Rt. 225). Small ramp for canoes, kayaks, and potential fishing. Parking along the dirt road leading up to the launch.
Lowell Road Boat Ramp (Concord). Off Lowell Road, boat launch and a short trail along the river
Parking: drop off boat, park along Lowell street. Access for paddlers and motorized boaters.
The Old Manse (Concord) is a historic home with connections to Hawthorne and Emerson. It is located at 269 Monument St. with ample parking. Directions here. There are stroller/handicapped accessible trails, space for picnicking, bird watching, as well as canoeing and kayaking.
Information about Rentals:
South Bridge Boat House, located at 496 Main Street, offers canoe and kayak rentals. The Boat House is located on the Sudbury River, just .75 mile upstream from the confluence where the Assabet and Sudbury join the Concord. You can easily paddle in each direction. Large parking lot across the street. See their website here.
How can you get there?
Commuter Rail: Fitchburg Line (from North Station to Wachusett), get off at Concord Station. From there, it is a 10 minute walk to the South Bridge Boat House. directions here!

Boating & Sailing
Boating, sailing, and the usage of small motorboats are all permitted on the Concord River. The Bedford Boat Landing on Caslisle Road in Bedford and The Concord River Boater's Trail are especially popular boating locations in addition to the trails listed under "paddling."

You can fish on the river, but it is advised to follow a catch and release policy (do not eat the fish). For tips on following this policy, visit this website. Most authorities caution not to eat the fish, especially for children and pregnant women, due to the high levels of mercury contamination. For updated levels of mercury contamination, click here. Also, the Massachusetts Department of Public health shares updates here.
Fishing locations:
Vietnam Veterans Park (Billerica). For directions, click here.
Concord River Greenway Park (Lowell). Small park next to the Concord river with a few waterfalls, and spots to fish from.