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Small group discussions of water issues

Mass Rivers works with a community of environmental advocates and state agency staff who are working for clean rivers for healthy communities. It takes a village! 


Drought Management Task Force - This group comprised of state agency staff and other stakeholders determines the drought level for all drought regions in Massachusetts. Mass Rivers has one of two public seats on this Task Force. Mass Rivers members are encouraged to send their drought photos to Julia so she may present them during Task Force meetings. Find the next meeting >>

Water Management Act Advisory Group - initiated by the Department of Environmental Protection, this group is giving feedback to DEP's proposed changes to water registrations to condition water use during drought. There were two meetings in early 2021, and we'll update members if DEP announces any more. See presentation materials >> 


Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership (MassBays) - The Environmental Protection Agency operates National Estuary Partnership programs as part of the Clean Water Act. Since 1990, MassBays works to protect Cape Cod Bay, Ipswich Bay, and Massachusetts Bay. Learn more >>


Clean Water for All Coalition - A national group of organizations working on clean water for environmental and public health.  See more >>

River Network - The national coalition of river and watershed focused organizations, who host an annual River Rally and coordinate action days in Congress. See more >>


Mosquito Control for the Twenty-First Century Task Force - This group was created by statute passed in 2017 and is studying current mosquito control practices in the state before recommending changes, particularly around pesticide usage. Find the next meeting >>

Massquito Coalition - Working for nature-based solutions to controlling arbovirus in Massachusetts that avoid toxic pesticides. Learn about mosquito control in Massachusetts and how you can opt-out of pesticide spraying >>


Massachusetts MVP Coalition - Mass Rivers works alongside non-profits, regional planning commissions, and municipalities to advocate for more funding for the popular MVP grant program, which helps cities & towns plan and implement resilience strategies, including many that improve water quality. Learn more >>


Massachusetts Stormwater Management Updates Advisory Committee - Convened by the Department of Environmental Protection, this group will advise the State as it updates stormwater regulations under both the Stormwater Handbook and the Wetlands Protection Act to align with current precipitation predictions and with MS4 permits. Learn more >>

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Founded in 2007, Mass Rivers works to strengthen statewide river policies in four areas: water quality, streamflow, wildlife habitat, and investment in green infrastructure.

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11 Curtis Avenue

Somerville, MA 02144

EIN: 20-8387704​

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The Massachusetts Rivers Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization based in Somerville, MA. The use of copyrighted material on this website is for non-commercial, educational purposes, and is intended to provide benefit to the public through information, critique, teaching, scholarship, or research. We believe that our use constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as given in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

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