Climate change is posing new and sustained challenges for communities across Massachusetts. Rising temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns have increased the frequency and magnitude of droughts and flooding in the region. Yet many communities statewide lack inclusion of climate resilience measures, like low impact development (LID) and other nature-based climate solutions, in their local regulations and bylaws. Oftentimes, climate impacts are actually amplified by unsustainable land development practices.
Mass Audubon and partnering NGOs, including Mass Rivers Alliance, and regional agencies developed a comprehensive curriculum program "Building Community Resilience Through Local Regulations" to improve community climate resiliency in Massachusetts. The curriculum comprises 8 modules, each of which provides guidance on different components of sustainable development and the Mass Audubon Bylaw Review Tool that assesses local regulations with a conservation lens. The goal of this educational resource is to provide communities (planners, municipal staff, and interested members of the public) the tools and knowledge necessary to make LID more accessible in their land use regulations and bylaws.
Each module below includes a detailed participant guide to bylaws and best practices, and PowerPoint presentation with applicable speaker notes. Please note that the PowerPoint presentations are customizable, but the acknowledgements slide should always be retained. Click on the links below for the full curriculum content!
For more related resources, check out the SNEP Network's StoryMap and recorded webinars.
Building Community Resilience Through Local Regulations

Module 1:
Let Nature Do the Work!
The value of green infrastructure & climate change resilience.

Module 2:
LID 101
Implementation of low impact development techniques for stormwater management.

Module 3:
The Power of a Bylaw,
Part I
Roles and responsibilities for implementing bylaws.
Module 4:
The Power of a Bylaw,
Part II

Module 5:
Implementing LID

Module 6:
Bylaw Review
Module 7:
State & Regional Guides

Module 8:
Implementing Regulatory Updates

Additional Resources
The bylaw curriculum was funded in part by the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network, a cooperative agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Southeast New England Program and the New England Environmental Finance Center, and the Lookout Foundation. The curriculum was developed by SNEP Network Partners Mass Audubon, Cape Cod Commission, the Southeast Regional Planning and Economic Development District, and the Blackstone Watershed Collaborative in partnership with Mass Rivers Alliance and the Citizen Planner Training Collaborative.